Friday, November 30, 2007

Alpha / Beta Negotiation

This was an odd negotiation, and at certain points, it took everything I had in me not to laugh as I was stuck playing my role. In my own odd way, I found it hilarious that I was looking straight down at the table as my fellow classmates were talking to me. I kept imagining how awkward it must have been for them to be talking to someone who would not look at them.

Anyways, the negotiation delt with basic culture contradictions and how to handle those differences. It was quite obvious that beta was an Asian country (Japan most likely) and alpha was America. I brought Green Tea and Presents to the negotiation, and it was quite odd acting in such a different way (I'll admit that while I greatly admire asian culture and its standards, that when it comes to negotiating I am definitely more of the American stylist), it did open up some new ways of thinking - in which I might be dealing with foreign cultures in the future.

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