Monday, October 22, 2007

Fish Pond Lane

This negotiation was different in that most of it took place over the internet. I can't say that I liked it more, as I do better in face to face situations. It was also a bit awkward working as a team. However, I can see two advantages working this way. First, you have more time to think about how you will respond to certain propositions instead of being put directly on the spot. Second, you can withold your emotional status (which could also be a disadvantage as Dr. Strange pointed out).

Our groups (Laura and Nicola) & (myslef and Amy) met two times online and one time in person. I was looking to get enough money out of the sale of my house to pay off my mortgage, pay off my business investement, pay off capital gains interest, and pay my sales rep. Therefore, according to my calculations, this had to be a # above $325,000. We ended up selling the house for 330k, so it was a success. To tell the truth, I had no clue what the business was with the bird sanctuary. I thought it might be a turn off to potential customers, so we left it out of our dealings. But, it then turned out to be a major thing that the eventual buyers wanted.

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